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Varsity Academic Solutions (VAS)

Varsity Academic Solutions (VAS) is an educational consultancy firm that works with clients by providing one-on-one interactive support. Our support comes in the form of in-depth guidance in tackling client assignments, projects, dissertations and examination readiness. By employing information communication technology (ICT) as well as limited contact sessions, VAS is able to provide its services across the length and breadth of South Africa and beyond.

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Students Assisted

Why we exist

Leaners embarking on tertiary studies are assumed to have developed the necessary academic skills essential for success at tertiary level. More often than not, this assumption has been found not to hold true. This is borne out by the through-put rate that currently hovers around 58% in South Africa.

The failure rate of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has been high and research shows what was lost was contact. This is the gap that VAS endeavours to close by providing targeted, practical guidance to leaners based on material that they encounter in lecture sessions

Skills such as academic discourse, academic text strategies, composition and comprehension are critical for success at tertiary level. Working with VAS, leaners do not only acquire these vital skills but success is also guaranteed as they progress through their tertiary studies.

Our resources

VAS has at its disposal competent, qualified and experienced subject experts with lecturing, tutoring and mentoring experience gained at tertiary level. By effective utilisation of ICT in providing services to a clientele that is ICT savvy, VAS services appeal to the modern day leaner as they are in sync with the fast paced advancements in ICT. Young students are digital natives and have grown up with it, so it would be strange for them not to use technology as a learning platform.

VAS also undertakes workshops to further enhance client assimilation of course material. In addition, workshops have proven to be very effective in preparing students for examinations.

The venues for these workshops are well equipped to ensure a conducive learning environment and effective delivery of services.

V. A. S